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Physiques Gym

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    Break Through Your Current Weight Loss Plateau With A Personal Trainer In Phoenix

    One of the most common complaints among people who are attempting to lose weight or build their physiques in a specific way is “hitting a wall” or reaching a plateau. This usually happens when they’re right near their goals or have just seen an acceptable amount of progress. At Physique Gym, we’re all about helping people understand and push past these frustrating experiences. Read on to learn why working with a personal trainer in Phoenix is the best way to build the body you really want.

    Sometimes people are engaging in all the wrong exercises for their body types and the outcomes they’re seeking. For instance, if you’re trying to build muscle and get shredded by stripping off the topmost fat layers, you might be doing too much cardio. If you want a long, lithe look instead, heavy weight-bearing exercises will sendy you in the wrong direction.

    When you visit our personal training gym in North Phoenix, you’ll get a needs-specific program that tailored specifically to you. This plan will fit your needs, goals, and current abilities so that you aren’t putting in work that moves you further away from your goals rather than closer to them. Having a customized plan eliminates a lot of frustration and helps people see the results they’ve been waiting for.

    Plateaus can be a sign that your body isn’t getting what it needs. The human body is much smarter than most people give it credit for. If you’ve been working out for hours a day but eating fewer calories, your body is likely hanging onto those last stubborn 10 to 15 pounds as a protective measure. Our trainers can talk to you about he amount of protein and calories you should be eating every day and how to target the right foods for your workout routine.

    We also offer group weight training. This is a great way to get ripped while gaining motivation and knowledge from others. These classes build a sense of camaraderie and help people who are facing plateaus push forward. To learn more about our program, our trainers, and our group activities, call us today to schedule a consultation appointment.

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