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Physiques Gym

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  • Phoenix, AZ 85032
  • 602-953-1111

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    About Us

    It’s All About The Physiques Gym Difference

    Physiques Gym is a private personal training gym in Phoenix that is open to the public. Offering personal training, group personal training and group fitness, targeted functional fitness training as well as nutrition guidance and meal plans.

    Physiques Gym is a fitness institution that has formatted a unique style of training. This type of personal training does not currently exist within the corporate fitness arena making us extremely unique and highly successful.

    We invite all levels of athletes to join, from an introductory level with a basic fitness knowledge all the way to the extremist and true athlete who desires to take their knowledge and training to the next level.

    What makes Physiques Gym Unique?

    • Physiques Gym adheres to a military mind set comprised of : Accountability, Leadership, Camaraderie, Can do attitude
    • Physiques Gym coaches/personal trainers act as one working together as a team ensuring each client reaches his/her individual personal goals
    • Physiques Gym was built in the spirit of old school gyms from the Golden Era of bodybuilding with a modern edge. Physiques Gym is a working environment and within the walls of Physiques Gym everybody works!

    Everyone has a body the goal is to build a Physique!…” ~ the TINNMANN

    Our Services Include:

    • Group Weight Training
    • Personal Training
    • Athletic Conditioning
    • Bodybuilding (contest preparation & posing)
    • Nutritional guidance & goal specific diet construction

    We’ll guide you to creating the perfect plan to create the body of your dreams.

    Physiques Gym Personal Trainers

    When you hire Physiques Gym, you are getting a team of coaches. Each are specialists and pioneers in the fitness industry and work together with one common goal, getting you to your goals in the shortest time possible.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Trusted Reviews