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Physiques Gym

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    Fat Loss Posts

    Secrets to Staying Fit During the Holidays

    December 8th, 2022
    The holidays are a time for family, friends, and of course, food. While it’s important to enjoy the festive season, it’s also crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some secrets to staying fit during the holidays! Don’t Skip…

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    Staying Fit During the Holidays

    December 3rd, 2022
    The holidays are a time for family, friends, and food. Lots and lots of food. It’s easy to let your fitness goals fall by the wayside during this time of year, but it’s important to stay on track! Here are some tips to help you stay fit during…

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    Structured Eating Explained

    November 16th, 2022
    What is Structured Eating? Structured eating is a term for an approach to food and nutrition that prioritizes sticking to a set routine. This can mean eating certain foods at specific times of day, or always having breakfast within an hour of…

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    Metabolism and Weight Gain

    October 5th, 2022
    Sorry, but your metabolism isn’t to blame for your weight gain A lot of people like to blame their weight gain on their “slow metabolism.” While it’s true that some people do have a slower metabolism than others, the vast majority of people who are…

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    Top Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight | Physiques Gym

    April 12th, 2022
    Top reasons you are not losing weight | 8 Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing as Much Weight as You Expected To Even Though You are Working Out and and Eating Healthy Are you frustrated because you’re not losing weight, even though you’re…

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    Is there a difference between fat loss and weight loss? | Physiques Gym

    February 28th, 2022
    What is weight loss and fat loss, and why is it important to know the difference Have you ever wondered of there is a difference between losing weight and losing fat? You might be surprised to learn that they are actually two different things! When…

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