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Physiques Gym

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  • 602-953-1111

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    S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Achieving Clearly Defined Goals

    February 8th, 2024
    S.M.A.R.T. CRITERIA: Achieving Clearly Defined Goals Setting goals is an integral part of personal and professional development. To ensure that these goals are meaningful and achievable, they should meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. This framework…

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    Common Weight Loss Strategies

    December 14th, 2023
    Common Weight Loss Strategies Used in Personal Training at Physiques Gym It’s no secret that losing weight can be a hard and frustrating process; these are some common weight loss strategies and how to finally be successful. Changing our eating…

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    Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Now

    December 16th, 2022
    The new year is approaching, and you’re determined to make this one different. You want to set goals that are attainable and meaningful. Don’t want to wait until January 1st to get started. The best way to ensure success with your resolutions is…

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    Meal Planning Basics: Part 2 of the Series

    January 12th, 2018
    Part Two:  Meal Planning BasicsIn Part One of our meal planning series, we talked about your training GPA – knowing your Goals, outlining your Plan, and creating Accountability.  Today, we share with you meal planning basics to…

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    Meal Planning: Part 1 – Series for Getting Results!

    January 2nd, 2018
    Meal Planning – Part One:  Start with your WHYMeal planning is one of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success. It would be hard to find a coach, trainer, or nutritionist who would tell you that proper nutrition not…

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    Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

    December 11th, 2017
    Avoid Holiday Weight GainWhat does the holiday season mean for you?  Does it conjure up images of falling snow “back home”, cactus trimmed with sparkling lights, exchanging gifts, or being with family?  Or is it the endless parade of goodies…

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    Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

    November 2nd, 2017
    Weight Loss SecretEveryone knows that eating a proper diet along with strength-building exercises will help you with weight loss by loosing body fat and building muscle. The best kept weight loss secret is SLEEP! YES SLEEP!!!!If you’re trying to…

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    Loose Weight and Keep It Off

    August 13th, 2017
    Loose Weight and Keep It Off There is no secret on how to loose weight and keep it off. Sustainable weight loss is achieved over time by making changes to your lifestyle. These changes are made through small choices every day. Your body is a…

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    How to Build Bigger Legs

    July 25th, 2017
    Bodybuilding to build Bigger LegsThere is more to bodybuilding than building muscle. To create the ideal physique, you should be symmetrical, top to bottom, front to back, left to right.  To build legs that are bigger and have more depth, you must…

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    Sugar Alternatives

    May 4th, 2017
    Its no secret I am a sugar addict and as hard I try to keep my cravings in check, I tend to fall of the ‘sugar wagon’ from time to time. So, I am always looking for sugar alternatives to help me stay healthy and on track with my goals. I found this…

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