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Physiques Gym

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  • 602-953-1111

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    How Much Rest is Ideal for Maximum Muscle Growth?

    Bodybuilding is more than just lifting barbells and dumbbells – it’s a lifestyle that requires discipline, patience, and knowledge. The science behind muscle growth is fascinating and complex, and one of the most crucial factors in achieving...

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    Understanding the Overload Principle in Bodybuilding

    If you're a regular at the gym, then you've most likely heard of the term 'overload principle'. But what exactly is it, and what does it mean for your workout routine? In simple terms, the overload principle refers to gradually increasing the...

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    An In-Depth Look at Weight Training Techniques: Volume vs. Heavy Weight

    When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, weight training is an essential component of any exercise routine. Not only does it help build muscle mass, but it also boosts metabolism and strengthens bones. However, deciding on the right weight...

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    Is Your Weight Affecting Your Life?

    Is Your Weight Affecting Your Life? Here's What You Need To Know The topic of weight loss is becoming increasingly relevant in today's society. In the United States alone, over 70% of adults are considered overweight or obese. While this issue...

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    How Your Weight Could be affecting your Happiness!

    Being overweight is more than just an appearance concern, it is a serious health condition that could affect your mental and emotional well-being. From poor self-esteem and body image to depression and anxiety, obesity can contribute to a range of...

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    Can Resistance Bands Work for Hypertrophy?

    When it comes to strength training, there are many tools that can be used to achieve your goals. From dumbbells to barbells, kettlebells to resistance machines, there are many different options to choose from. One popular tool that you may have come...

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    Is Bodybuilding Athletic?

    A common debate is whether bodybuilding can be considered an athletic event or not. Some believe that it is simply an exercise of vanity and doesn't involve agility or endurance. Others argue that it is indeed a sport that requires a lot of physical...

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    The Truth About Why Fitness Trends Don’t Work

    We have all heard of the latest fitness trends, they are everywhere. From trendy workout routines to fad diets, many of us have fallen prey to some fitness trend hoping for miraculous results. Unfortunately, many of these fitness trends end up being...

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    How to Restart Your Fitness Journey and Achieve Your Goals

    We all have that one time when we were motivated to become fit and healthy, but for some reason, we lost that spark and drifted off track. Don't worry; it happens to most of us. The good news is that it's never too late to restart your fitness...

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    Why Bro Splits Don’t Work: A Comprehensive Guide

    If you've been lifting weights for a while, chances are you've heard of the term "bro split". Essentially, a bro split is a workout routine that places emphasis on one body part per day. For example, Monday might be chest day, Tuesday might be back...

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    5 Tips on How to Get Fit Over 40

    As we age, it becomes more important to prioritize physical fitness. Regular exercise not only helps maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, but it also provides mental health benefits such as stress relief and improved...

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    The Surprising Benefits of Working Out on Healing Injuries

    It is common knowledge that regular exercise and an active lifestyle can help improve overall physical and mental health. However, did you know that working out can also help improve injuries? Whether you are recovering from a minor sprain or a more...

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