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Physiques Gym

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  • Phoenix, AZ 85032
  • 602-953-1111

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    Anaerobic vs Aerobic

    February 4th, 2016
    Anaerobic and aerobic. Most of us have heard these terms, but not everyone understands the difference. One thing is for certain, while you may not understand the difference in their meaning, you can usually distinguish the difference between the 2…

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    Create Value For Your Health

    June 24th, 2015
    Ask yourself, “What is the value of your health?” As you look to the future, how do you see yourself? Is the future you strong and healthy? Does the future you look fabulous in that little black dress? Does the future you take trips with the…

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    How Weight Training Improves A Runner’s Body

    June 17th, 2015
    When you think about a runner, what comes to mind? An athlete who runs, right? That their training regimen is quite simple and straightforward – they run and only run! WRONG! To build a runner’s body to optimum condition, they need to add more…

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    Yoga and Weight Training

    June 10th, 2015
    Most people who practice the art of yoga don’t participate in any other areas of fitness. Not to stereotype, however, the image that comes to most peoples mind when thinking about a yoga participant, they envision a lean female with some…

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